A woman appears, standing behind a kitchen island, with red cookware stacked in front of her, in th emiddle of coooking, she leans forward to take a lid off a pot

Are you a health-focused person who is ready to resolve your chronic health issues once and for all?

Photo of CA Nutrition Co founder, Josh Dodds. A grey background. He's in a navy shirt, smiling directly at the camera.

Hi, I’m Josh Dodds

I started this company because nutrition and holistic health were the two things that brought me back from being bed ridden and chronically ill.

I saw every kind of doctor, specialist, and healer imaginable. And while I did find some unique healers and talented souls who helped me greatly, my intuition kept bringing me back to nutrition over and over again.

Over the last 15 years nutrition has been the most powerful healing force in my life, and in the lives of many clients, friends and family I’ve helped.

Each time I took my nutrition deeper things would improve that I didn’t think were changeable.

Here are just a few of the surprising changes:

  • Mental clarity and calmness I had never experienced before

  • New abilities to communicate and bring my inspirations into the world

  • Less reactive to emotions

  • Chronic muscle tightness and tension dissipating 

  • More in shape despite working out less

The lesson I learned is that incredible things can happen when you give the body what it needs. It is my hope that as many people as possible can experience this for themselves.

In my nutrition practice, I use the best knowledge and tools that I’ve come across, from both Eastern and Western traditions, and share them with my clients. My goal is to save them the many years of searching I had to do, so they can return to their normal healthy state as quickly as possible. I also hope for them to leave with nutrition and other holistic tools to help themselves keep thriving for many years to come.

Are you in the right place?

Ready to work together?